will update asap!
have been a busy week!
and i had the weirdest dream, not only that, it made me speechless.
gosh, i was hoping for that to come true, but i was wishing for it last year. NOT THIS YEAR!
:( the dream was so confusing
i woke up, sat on my bed with my baby pillow (dontgivemeyourcomment about my baby pillow- i named it btw. heheh) ;
and stared at my fading pink wall.
like for 10 mins straight.
*okay i lied, i stared for only 1 min
a part of me hope that it was true, and another part of me- oh well hope it was vice versa?
i'm still thinking if i should tell anyone about my dream. oh well, none will be interested i suppose.
i only told one person about it. :P cause, i felt like blah-ing it out from my heart at that very moment.