seriously, i find that there is no point to do this.
but here am i typing these craps. arghhhhh why lar why? why am i so indecisive, and why do i always promise stuff that i dont like to do.
:( *sob sob, I'm just ubber nice, thats why :D
1. I SHALL HEREBY DECLARE, that i shall try to use less toothpaste.
yes, the toothpaste as in toothpaste, the white foamy thing where u insert into your mouth to apparently clean and get rids of all the germs. okay, here's one of my OCD. i brush my teeth then floss then brush again! dont ask why T__T. i find it rather stupid to do that too, but if i dont i feel rather uneasy. so aikz, just to have a peace of mind brush twice lor= use banyak toothpaste. and i just realised that toothpaste is freaking expansive.
2. sleep more on my left side. because the right side of my face is getting flatter, or so i think.
3. learn how to bake (properly) for my love ones.
4. shall not use stupid nicknames for *certain people* in my diary to the point where i dont recognise who is who.
yeah, i have a diary. and dont try ransacking my hse for it, cause i hide it in a very very very awesome place. anyway, does this few nicknames remind you of anyone? help to identify them if i told you before using this nicknames.
a) pendidikan jasmani.
wtf, sigh i know. who ever nicknamed a person pendidikan jasmani. i'm the smartest wohhhman in the world.
gender: i suspect its a male, aged 18 now. haha
b) rempah boy.
okay, i'll pass for this one. no clue at all.
i just wrote there: today, i met that rempah boy. and boy, he is cute.
and that happened, 2 years ago. fml, got cute guy but dont know who is he now.
c) house. as in i nicknamed someone by the drawing of a HOUSE. A FREAKING HOUSE.
oh gosh, how naive can i be? house? o.O
(yeah ):*peace sign )
thats to name a few, i have a lot more of UFOs in my diary. T__T i think i shall just use their real name in the future. or have a list of nicknames posted at the back of my book. heheh, we'll see.
5. To be more daring, voice out my opinions.
:( dont say im okay, when im not.
6. Be positive and more DECISIVE! (wah, this is super hard)
7. To take care of my suk-suk (mom's car) and not hurting it.
*stares to the future
8. For once in my lifetime, i should actually stick and fight for my goal in life. (will be reveal soon)
9. talk less, listen more. or just think before talking. but yet again, refer to no.5 :( how to be more daring if i have to think twice before voicing my opinions.
10. Be smarter than my BFs. (hehe, inside joke)
11. Not be afraid of the dark. wait, to be more precise... do not be afraid of what will happen in the dark.
12. to be who i am. and not afraid to be laugh at. yes, you can laugh all you want at me!
(oi i'm actually very sui hei and softhearted so please dont be so harsh on me)
13. *important* Spent more time with family and friends.
(isaac having fun with my bicycle pump & me closing the hole where the air comes out = he laughs like mad)
(and using my lap as his table T_T kena bully wei)
14. refer to no.13. Do not be a introvert @ party pooper!
15. To start a new life.
wth, number 15 is bullshit lar.!%*^*%#$! rephrase: to continue a new chapter of life. :D
okay, thats all for now. i can add it later on whenever i feel like it! what?! its year 2010 resolutions what, can be edited and add anytime. :D
THE TRUTH IS, IM ACTUALLY SCARED OF 2010. i'm not sure what will happen this year. there's no fix route for me to go, wherease in 2009, i know i'll be going to ICPU and i did not expect much from it. but yet, it is one of my most wonderful experience. From the friends i met, and especially my lecturers and ofcourse, friends from other courses aside ICPU you all had left a mark in my heart :)
but now, i dare not imagine what kind of hiccups will i face this year. heck, im not sure what uni or course i want to enter. no wait, i know what course i want, but only if that particular uni accepts me. :( BUT WHAT IF IT DOESNT? :(:(:(
2010, a year full of mysteries i shall say. and hopefully Buddha shall light the path for me :)
I shall be what i was meant to be, and hopefully it is what i wanted.
happy 2010