seriously if its not because of the strickingly mad bimbotic bloody sun, i would pack my bag at this very moment and study here with no hesitation.
*its beside a lake
* they have this huge 100X mpsj field size as a campus
* not being racist but, i see lots of ppl that i like here. :P
* a cheap getaway from parents and and and.... its cheaper than going overseas lar.
most of them cycle to uni!
sigh, so carefree life. (minus the hot sun )
lol, cycling here is like owning a lumborghini -very tai sai here.
utar has full of this around their buildings.
er,i cant find anything in utar to camwhore with.
this particular uni student, descending down the stairs with such gracefullness.
as she sat down, with such poise and strike a pose for the camera.
oh, what a lovely lady she is, under the sunlight... OK LAR. -.-
i wont make u puke with.... the obsession of myself
imagine me cycling under that bloody blazing sun. T.T
asked my mom if there's such technology where there is this kind of umbrella, stuck it to your head and will blow cold air out! :)
the... whatdoyoucallthis- er...the students stay here.
they have funny & interesting articles.
eh, what? this is also an important thing to know ler.
and since some of you said that i look diff in pic compared to real life.
its because im not wearing specs in most pic. -.-
nah, i look as weird like this in specs. happy?
mom took over my job of- finding things when the driver/ co-driver needs.
waiting + enjoying air cond while they buy coconut.
that practically sum up my UTAR post. :)
my mom told me not to wear contact lens + she said that kampar/ipoh very ulu = no hot guys.
MY FOOT LAR! hmf. regret like shit, cause i dont really like my current specs.
but i thought;
nvm lar, at least i 'dress up' sikit, got wear belt lol and singlet.
i got a culture shock when no one, NONE OF THE GIRLS wore singlet. o.O
aikz, dad nag me for not wearing proper shirt like everyone else. -.-
eh, those girls there dont wear singlet but they wear short short shorts.