baby issaac.. totally the adorable one. but he likes drool all over ppl.. and yeah he loves crawling and help grandma to mop the floor with his shirt as he crawl. ;P
eh hem.. this is not the normal yee sang.. its hand-made.or wat you call, self-made.
my mom in red(below)
some of them enjoying the feast first.. btw did i mention that my grandma cooking is the fab?
the fei & fay.. =)
this year fireworks are the best. uncles not only bought the tinnie-weeny kind of sparkles but also those erm.. big big boms la.=)
my uncle tom here is a big, bold and brave when it comes to fireworks, camp and etc.
BUT when it comes to HEIGHT...(shake head)
ex:: when we are in genting.. he'lloffer to take care our bags.(kononnya) cause he wants to escape sitting roller coaster & ferris wheel.=)
most of my girl cuzs.
okay.... u can't really see us in the video. but concentrate on wat they are talking.
apparently my cuz, kien is suppose to hold some firework thingy but it has no reaction after being lighted and my 3rd aunt(see below) keep shouting that itWILL explode..
and thus that all-mighty-smart-ass-king of the world- kien threw that thing down in the ground and it started puffing out lights.. thank buddha kien threw it facing the other side.. if not, if it face us,,, we'll be dead meat by now.
and yeah, uncle was asking who threw it and we blame it on 3rd aunt.xP
she freaked us out btw.
i tell u man, this cny all the kids(eh hem, those younger than 13) are spending 24/7
even during dinner time, and they'll ask someone else to help them check their cards when they take turn to bath.
gosh. wats happening to them man, even i @ ah bee played lesser compared to them.
and they even take turns becoming 'choker' =O
but thrust me, if u want to win money, play with them.they are freaking cute & hilarious wei.u can know how much point they get.
cuz1:: omg..(show gloomy face..whisper to cuz 2) more than 21 hor. haiz how ar??
cuz 3:: (ask cuz2)how much she got. i got.. erm *whisper* 16 le. still wanna take cards a not le?
bla* bla* bla*
owh.. and they have fabulous face expression. =)
we at the aldult table played till 4.30 the next day. 1 of the uncle kong out adi.
guess wat, the kids who are supposed to be sleeping are playing upstairs too. kids...
the next day at field (stage)
yen wei & jo bee
she's older than me by a year. and since young she's been the goody-goody girl and me as the head of the monkeys.. =)
even we have totally different charactheristic,we get along pretty well...
she leaving for u.k tomorrow. sigh, no one to sleep with during balik kampung , no more sleepover+ gossips , and no one to snatch food with..
man i'm missing her already..
she busy emailing her.. eh hem or more specific, my future cousin-in-law. =)
psst... he's some royalty ya know.. so yeah, *coughs* to whom it may concerned u better treat me better.. lol. joking la
(below) this pic taken years ago and below it the pic we took during cny at the exact spot. behinhd grandparent's hse
wei & me
lol. i know i look ridiculous..its early in the morning le. baru bangun.. =)
anyway, yenwei if u ever read this.. goodluck and all the best in u.k. come back after i sit my spm n we can hangout toghether!!! take care and e-mail me.and yeah i'll take the effort to check my mails..=(
mucho loves,
tan ah bee.
p.s, u know i heart u. shall miss yah cuz.