woke up late and rushed to get ready to go to 1u.me and chinfong.
i hate the way ppl stare at us like we are some kids running around naked and stuff. wth. do u think we enjoy walking in big groups attracting attention.and what???? oh yah. thank buddha pn.teo nv force us to wear pj shirts. we'll seriously die.
waiting for the stars to come. and thus we took pics. no time wasted...its smk usj 12 gals u r talkin bout man.=)
tada....(drums roll) introduce u to mr.naresh..
me and chin::omg!!! omg!!!look who came!!! omg!!!
others:: eyes open big2... who?? who??
me and chin:: its... NA...NAR..NARESH..
others:: wth.
me and chin:: omg . we seriously must take pic with u man. once in a life time u can come out wei.
The stars!!!
(l-r)the guy who act as abdul rahman, then the main actor..
us answering question from the stars. the actress from 2nd from the right. seriously made a very grand entrance.
on the way into the cinema.
xx:: eh.. why so few people only??
boom..bam..bann...(she fell)
xx:: man, what a great entrance. (she got up)
us:: silents....
xx: aren't u gonna give me an applause for that??
us:: claps...xD
then she went on telling some funny and witty stuff that makes us laugh. i can't remember it though. blame my short-term memory lost genes. xD
notice the word "pengorusi"..
and this 3 little sesat little girls. they called us and we told them to find us as we are near mph bookstore.. and they went in mph. so yeah. they were inside the mph and we were outside. look at they're thank-god-u-found-us-face..rofl.
we are twins. i am him.support my book.buy it.
zufar and his beloved mouth.
omg. clement got popcorn kutu on his head. muahahah.. (actually clem, in case u are curious where it came from. it originate from szu's & my popcorn box =)
clement and kevin. apparently they say that kevin sneak into another movie. wth.
lastly... support my bee movie.. .wth..x)