practically being dragged out of the bed..(its raining+windy = so tempting to sleep)..my mom keep reminding me that we have to reach my aunt's hse at 9.30 sharp..(is it always my fault that we are late??? )
9.27a.m::woohoo.. we are early for once..
9.30a.m::now is the time...aren't we suppose to go yet???
me and my cuzs.being in a car with 4 kiddos can cause u to go mad.
.penang bridge.
reached there around evening (cause we got lost)..& jakon gila cuzs who btw cannot resist the tempting swimming pool.. & here goes a conversation::
quan:: look there's a swimming pool.
me:: ya i know.
quan:: can i go swimming now??
chloe & yenfay:: yah. can we go now??
me:: no.
them:: y?
me:: we've just reached wei. lazy la.
them:: can we go swimming? we'll b good. we promise. we'll wear our floats.
me:: no.
(looking towards their mammies.. + pitiful faces)
(looking towards their mammies.. + pitiful faces)
mammies:: u can go when we have finish settling our reservation for our room.WAIT. no u can't.. who will b looking after u guys? we will b bz packing stuff.
................a moment of silence........................
6.00p.m:: looking after those kids.
breakfast was o.k. but the place is full of arabians & org putih..=/ feel so lost like i don't belong there in a sudden..
11.00 a.m:: shopping at gurney plaza..n omg>>>
finally a book about ice cream
3.00p.m:: ended up in the hotel room with food from different food stall.
5.oop.m:: can't believe i participated in the hide-n-seek game.small kids r seriously blur case wei. they keep hiding de same old place.
spiderman cutting papers.. look wat is in his mouth.
our room.
village by the river
.lunch.on the way to ipoh.
at night....
ipoh hor fan & ipoh chicken..
love the lift of this hotel.enjoyable view.
outside of the dim sum restaurant.
us on the way back home in the car..
the cousins potrait.=D