YAY! the new blogger setting rocks socks! i'm so in love with it! :)
I'm such a backward blogger, always posting stuff that has already happened 3 months ago. :((
maafkan aku, saya kesal dengan attitudeku yang tidak bertanggungjawab pffft... oklah wtv lah no point telling stories when i memang tak kesal hehehe
CNY 2010.
We had to eat this for dinner as there was leftovers. thats what the 'cha boh's' said, but i suspect it was intentional so that they can escape cooking for dinner too! haha sorry for complaining but obviously these food cant be compared with our family's chabohs cooking.
This time the food was so-so only, nothing much to shout about because SOME OF US GOT DIARRHEA the next day! !#$%^&*wtb!$%^ i woke up on the 3th day of CNY at freaking 10am to ehhem, shit. :( i've never woke up so early before throughout my whole cny years, as we sleep pretty late the night day before.
okay, i cant really blame the food as till now the reason of our diarrhea still remains unknown.
the kakaks taking care of the food, hehe more like having their 'happy-hour time' outside.
uncle staring blankly ahead, and guess whats that beside him!!! its a hugeass rattan basket/plate layed with banana leaves. so malay/indian-ish. :)
and guess what is it for? ...not for banana leaf rice etc, nor to put satay or to roast babi. haha wah my blog not halal adi. sorry, super lame joke.
a clue*
and mind you, its not any normal yeesang ok.
first, its all handmade, homemade, custommade and homegrown!!! okay not all are homegrown.... i think its only the water apple .... ah whatever lah its called 'jambu air' in malay.
even the sauce/kuah for our yee sang was handmade by our youngest aunt, who is one of the best bakers in our family too. she bakes awesome coffee cheese cake and healthy deep moist choco cakes that i will even eat altho i dont really fancy choco-- scared of falling sick, not worth the bite. :P but for aunt's cake, i tell you totally worth falling sick for it as she use pure chocos and sometimes organic chocos i think.
youngest aunt arranging a plate of yee-sang specially for grandpa's sis (we call her lou ko) as she is vegetarian and cant eat jellyfish.
(okay break time and ill stop here for now)
currenly, i'm in Seremban (dad's hometown) to visit my cousin as he was hospitalised for a week, and then continued by 2 days again after he was released from the hospital. all because of a tiny eenny meeny bloody vampire mosquito! wah and that blood sucking monster (sorry edward, not you lah) and it cost his family a bomb wei! -___- haih.
he's so different than his usual attitude. he's usual cheerful,talkative and eat banyak like shit. but today when i visited him.... he's like an old man that lost his memory. sat on the bed, staring blankly ahead as if we are some other spesies of homo sapiens. and he twisted his neck/ had stiff neck because of some medicine given that dont suit him.
damn ho lin ah (pityful). may he be well and happy always. :) be strong cousin!