ya..ya i know.. this blog has been like dead for a month or so.. =)
was kind of busy and lazy.. and i cant seem to think of anything to write although lots of things happen lately...
the trio went on a trip to visit KTAR.. hmmm... u may be wondering why are would we even think to sacrifice our saturday to go all the way to Setapak..
after deciding on the pro and cons. we went because:
1) we can skip ko-ko
2) we do not need to dance/aerobic for the whole 1hour (its a part of our koko)
thus.. when the person-in-charge asked us if we was being forced to come to ktar.. lots of giggles n snickers came from our school.
At the library.
take 1. cf
(lol. i know our poses looks similar.. wat to do.. great minds think alike)
take 3. boon ghee(we actually gave him idea to do this. he's 1st action is to take the book n cover his face.. but then how to know who's that.. =P)
take 4. clem & min
the 2 retards who did not want to pose until the very end when they changed their mind..n pose.(how can this counted as a pose???????)
we shld use this kind of machine in our school too.. then all the librarians can retire..
eh.hem.. boon ghee n isaac prepare for the challenge of the day...
boon ghee testing the diving board(er..is that wat u call that plank?)
2 superman wanabe.
look how huge is the IT room..
p.s: he says he's going to a war.. -.-
clement got jealous when he saw winnie-the-pooh-in-bikini..
from l-r (chinfong, min, jonathon, clem)
me n clem in the blue bus.
others who join the trip with us.. =)
the four of us.. =D
and lastly.. the retarded pic of the trio... who has completely different attitude n can't stand each other.. n we knew each other since primary 1.. =)