Friday, December 26, 2008

the next official cousin-in-law

14th April 2008

attended my cousin's wedding dinner (only for friends n close relative). they are having another big bash wedding in IPOH which is so far far away.. so they set this dinner specially for KL ppl.. *smiles*

my grandpa with his old oh-so-grown-up kids=)

wedding cake =D

ohhkkkay... i totally over shadowed the grand poster of my cousin n her husband behind me

mom n dad 'borrowed' deco of flowers n act as if its theirs... *coughs but the most hilarious one was when my 3rd uncle even borrowed their wedding cake even their flowers...=D

them as the photographer..

the j & j

the long waited queue for ang-pows

i was partially quite annoyed by the karoake song throughout the whole dinner cause its all in CHINESE SONG WITH CHINESE SUBTITTLES. no offence.. i love jay c n wang leehom but.... i cant read chinese =/.. so yea chinese song should come with han ying ping yi.. (eng sub??)

as i was complaining of how inconsiderate those chinese songs with chinese sub are to the banana ppls.. my lovely cousin loudly n happily announced that i should be his bridemaid when he weds (which made me so touched n i smiled like some idiot + woot =D)
and he continued.....
" n i will make sure that there will be all chinese songs with chinese sub =D ok? "
i thank u very much.
n i threatened to disturb him throughout the dinner if he still insist on chinese songs. which he did. and i keep snapping akward pics of him with diff poses of him eating..

the first n the only dish that i remembered to take picture of..
=D the food there is FAB-U-LOUS

our big big family on my dad's side